Abolishing negative gearing could be ‘the straw that broke the camel's back’...

Published: Wed, 10/31/18

If your retirement plan relies on Real Estate, you absolutely must know what Jane Slack-Smith is about to reveal in her fr ee webinar: The New Rules for Property Wealth.

Jane will show you how to protect yourself from devastating losses -- and --  capitalise handsomely in one of the most uncertain property climates Australia has ever seen…

You can register for the fre e webinar here

If you haven’t heard of Jane Slack-Smith - she is not your average ‘guru’.  I have personally known Jane for many years and she's been named one of the Top 10 Property Experts by Money Magazine… one of the Top 4 Financial Influencers by Qantas...

…  And she’s a sought after mentor, speaker and author in the property investment space. (Not to mention, a self-made property millionaire.)

Credentials aside, there’s one important reason you should listen to what Jane’s got to say:

We could be staring down the barrel of the ‘perfect property storm’  

And…  whether you’re an experienced investor… or just looking to break into the market… your window of opportunity to prepare for this storm is closing fast.

Here are some alarming shifts you need to be aware of: All in all - it’s getting a lot harder for the average Australian investor to make money with property.


You Still Have Time To Prepare For The Storm (And Prosper Wildly)

Like with any major change, these shifts in the property landscape present huge opportunity for savvy investors.

If you arm yourself with the right strategies and act now, you can set yourself up to profit while other investors flounder.

That’s exactly why Jane Slack-Smith is putting on this free webinar.

She wants to warn you about how the landscape is evolving -- AND -- what  strategies you can adopt to profit from this change. (Even if you’re new  to property and only earn an average income.)


In particular you will learn:


Spaces for this webinar are limited, and this isn’t something you should put off. (The opportunity cost of letting this slide is far too high.)

So, if you’re interested in growing your wealth with property in 2018 (and beyond), and want to be one of the people who “get lucky” with property, click the link below and register for the free webinar now.

You can register for the free webinar here.

Given the uncertain times we are currently seeing in the real estate market, the best decision is always an informed decision. So take a moment now to pop yourself on the list.  I guarantee you will not regret taking the time out of your day. 

With Gratitude,

P.S.  The Australian property environment is changing and only savvy investors will prosper. Jane Slack-Smith has her finger firmly on the  pulse of the property market and is hosting a free webinar to share her  best guarded insights.

Go here and register for this free webinar to learn exactly what’s changing and how you can best capitalise over the next 2-15 years.
